Steps that improve your website ranking

In order for your website to rank high on search engines, you have to optimize your pages for best results. Search engines focus on major factors when ranking your page, and the formula that they use is called algorithm that identifies keyword relevancy and ranks pages; but each search engine has its unique algorithm to rank web pages.They will take into consideration your page title, meta description,bounce rate, content, quality and quantity of inbound links… The following are the most effective procedures you should implement to push your website to rank high by search engines:

  1. Page titles: Every page or content should have a unique title. Your page title should include the main keywords for that page. If you write for example an article of how to cook an octopus, you have to mention it as a keyword within your title or maybe “best ways to cook an octopus”. As a result, if someone is searching for how to cook an octopus you are likely to appear in search engines because you have used those keywords. Titles tags should not exceed 60 characters.

  2. Meta description: It should include the main keywords of your blog content so these keywords are used in search results when your page is listed. If your topic is about the best ways to cook an octopus, then your meta description is likely to be “learn easily how to cook an octopus at quickest time possible” as this description is short and contains relevant keywords. Meta description should not exceed 160 characters.

  3. Meta tags: You could assign to each of your page concise relevant keywords. These keywords that describe your content are set in a form of meta tags. They are hidden descriptors that appear in your HTML CODE, inside your <head> tag; even though they are not visible to your web visitors eyes,  but search engine crawlers could still recognize them; they are composed of a title, description, and keyword tag like the following:


<title>Title of Your Site</title>

<meta name="description" content="Description of your site here.">

<meta name="keywords" content="keywords separated by commas">


  1. URL structure: Generally your website URL should be short and include relevant keywords as this would positively favor search engines. It’s recommended therefore to use search friendly URL to each of your pages. There’s also a major factor that SEO has a significant influence which is the location of keywords: would work better than

  2. Body tags: It’s very important to divide your content into sections or paragraphs in order to let your viewers read your content more easily. You could assign a heading to each section known as H1, H2, H3, H4 tags… Your main heading of your page should be H1 and H2, H3 are considered subheadings. Search engines use these tags in order to determine what’s important within your content. So whenever you write keyword rich headings for your page, assign in the form of priority in H1, H2, H3 title tags. Crawlers use them to distinguish important content.

  3. Keyword density: Try to focus on keywords and use them in different forms with the same meaning within your content. However don’t use them excessively because you might risk being banned by search engines. Try to keep your word density in a limited percentage. This problem could be solved by broadening your vocabulary skills.

  4. Image SEO: In order to make your website more enticing and appealing, use images. The same thing should be applied to images as well as your page titles when using keywords. You should assign your images relevant keywords as you do for your text. If done the right way, people will find you on search engines when searching on google images. Another way is to use “ALT attribute” with a description to your image to make them more effective to SEO.

  5. Internal links: While external links are important for your site to rank better, links that point to other pages within your website is very critical not only for people navigating around your web but also for search engines to find all your pages.